Looking for ways to tướng get new customers talking to tướng you on Telegram? You’ve come to tướng the right place. In this first-hand guide, we’ll show you how to tướng generate a Telegram Link (also known as a t.u link) using our Telegram links generator and explore its benefits.

In addition, we’ll go over some of the effective ways you can utilize Telegram links and why you should connect your Telegram trương mục to tướng an AI-powered customer conversation management software lượt thích respond.io. Ready? Read on!

What is a Telegram Link?

Telegram links let people liên hệ your business without knowing your phone number. It comprises your username and a t.u links. Like Facebook Messenger links, a Telegram links is the shortest official URL you can get for your profile.

t.u is the URL shortener used by Telegram to tướng create links for channels and groups. These links are used to tướng invite users to tướng join a channel or group on Telegram. Simply add your Telegram username behind t.u (e.g. t.me/yourusername) to tướng generate a Telegram Group Link.

The links open a Telegram page with buttons to tướng initiate a chat session with your business, depending on the user’s Telegram Web logged-in state.

Telegram URL link: Why you should generate Telegram links or t.u link

If the user is not logged into Telegram Web, the webpage will show a single Send Message button. Additionally, this button opens a chat window with your business in the Telegram ứng dụng as long as it’s installed on their phone or computer.

If the user is logged into Telegram Web, an additional Open In Web button will be present. This button opens a chat window with your business on Telegram Web. Either way, both buttons launch a chat window with your business for the user to tướng message you.

How to tướng use Telegram links

Do note that if Telegram is not installed on the user’s device, clicking the Send Message button will tự nothing and if the user isn’t logged in to tướng Telegram Web, the Open in Web won’t appear.

Next, we’ll discuss the benefits of the Telegram links.

Benefits of the Telegram Link

Telegram links offer a direct and immediate way for leads to tướng chat with businesses. By clicking on a Telegram links and chatting in real-time, businesses have the opportunity to tướng engage with leads when their interest is at its peak and push them down the sales funnel faster compared to tướng other traditional channels lượt thích gmail.

Unlike other business messaging channels such as WhatsApp API or Facebook Messenger, a Telegram Bot does not impose a messaging window. This means that you can reengage with leads anytime you want to tướng share new promotions or nudge them to tướng convert.

Benefits of Telegram link

Telegram is known for its strong encryption, which assures users of a secure environment for communication. This security is especially important when exchanging sensitive lead information lượt thích payment details.

Last, embed these Telegram links anywhere to tướng capture leads effectively! Since they’re regular URLs, you can place them on your trang web, messaging channels, blogs, PDFs and social truyền thông posts that tư vấn links. In the following section, we’ll explain how you can obtain a Telegram links.

How to tướng Create Telegram Link

There are two ways for you to tướng get a Telegram links, manually or by using respond.io's convenient Telegram links generator.

How to tướng Create Telegram Link Manually

The first method requires you to tướng manually add your Telegram bot’s username to tướng the t.u address.

How to tướng get t.u links manually

1. Find your Telegram username, which is in your profile settings, or your bot’s username by using the BotFather.

2. Copy and paste the username of your profile or your bot after https://t.me/. For example https://t.me/ContentTeamBot.

3. Display this links in convenient locations.

If you’re not a người yêu thích of the t.me/ URL, you can generate your Telegram links with one of the following addresses. These links function identically with the only difference being the addresses themselves. Simply replace username with your own:

  • https://telegram.me/username
  • https://telegram.dog/username
  • https://username.t.me/

Next, we’ll go over respond.io’s convenient Telegram links generator.

Telegram Link Generator by respond.io

Generating a Telegram links from respond.io is a straightforward process with minimal steps involved.

To get started, navigate to tướng Settings > Growth Widgets. Then, select QR Code and click Create Widget.

Respond.io’s Telegram links generator

Under QR code type, select the channel which you would lượt thích to tướng generate the links for, in this case Telegram. Then, select the trương mục you’d lượt thích to tướng use. This is especially useful if you have multiple Telegram accounts connected to tướng respond.io.

Telegram links generator: Generate a Telegram link

A Telegram links will be displayed under the generated QR code. Click the copy icon next to tướng the URL to tướng store it in your clipboard. Paste this links wherever you wish to tướng share it.

Like with the manually generated links, you can replace the links with one of the following addresses. These links function identically with the only difference being the addresses themselves. Simply replace username with your own:

  • https://t.me/username
  • https://telegram.dog/username
  • https://username.t.me/

In the following section, we’ll go over getting Telegram links for your Group or Channel.

How to tướng Create Telegram Group Link or Channel Link

In addition to tướng linking to tướng your personal or bot Telegram trương mục, Telegram links can point your contacts to tướng any groups or channels you may have. Follow these instructions to tướng get your Telegram Group or Channel links.

In order to tướng get a personalized Telegram links for your group, you need to tướng change it to tướng a public group. Since groups are private by mặc định, use the following steps.

Telegram links generator: How to tướng get a Telegram group link

How to tướng get a Telegram Link?

  1. Open Telegram and navigate to tướng your group or channel
  2. Tap on the name of your group or channel at the top
  3. On the top right corner, click on the edit button (pencil icon)
  4. Click on 'Group Type' and make your group or channel public

Next, we’ll go over the benefits of connecting your Telegram bot to tướng respond.io.

Benefits of Using Telegram with Respond.io

For growing businesses, there will be a point when you need to tướng capture and manage more leads. And using the Telegram ứng dụng or Web ứng dụng will not be enough. To effectively handle the increasing volume of conversations, businesses will need to tướng upgrade to tướng more sophisticated systems that can handle teams of agents and tư vấn advanced features designed for larger operations.

By using a Telegram bot and a customer conversation management software lượt thích respond.io, you can tự the above and more. Respond.io is a platform designed for conversational sales, automation and more to tướng increase the efficiency of your teams. Here’s a quick rundown of what you can accomplish.

Respond AI: Reply to tướng Leads Intelligently

As you increase the number of touchpoints with features lượt thích Telegram links, the number of Telegram conversations will grow. When that happens, it only makes sense to tướng rely on conversational AI to tướng handle them without dramatically increasing your agent count or load.

Configure your Respond AI Agent with your business’s knowledge sources. Then, it will be able to tướng collect customer information or answer preliminary questions, to tướng name some benefits. Imagine how many Telegram conversations you could resolve without any human input!

Reply to tướng Telegram url links intelligently with AI Agent

However, sales agents actively chatting with Telegram leads can also benefit from conversational AI. AI Assist generates replies at the click of a button based on the conversation history. On the other hand, AI Prompts are useful for instantly fixing your messages before they’re sent.

Multi-Channel Support: Capture and Chat on All Connected Channels

With respond.io’s multichannel tư vấn, you can connect the instant messaging channels your customers prefer, such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger along with Telegram. Then, you can use these channels’ unique lead-capturing methods to tướng acquire more leads and respond to tướng all conversations from one platform.

Using Contact Merge, consolidate customer details and conversation history to tướng remove duplicates from your liên hệ list. This way, you won’t have to tướng khuyến mãi with separate liên hệ profiles for the same person with different usernames or emails across various channels.

Respond.io’s Liên hệ Merge feature

If your merged contacts have messaged you on Telegram before, you can message them anytime afterward since Telegram has no messaging window. This is handy when messaging windows for other channels have closed before a chat is resolved.

Since you’ll have their combined chat histories in chronological order, you won’t miss any key information.

Workflows and API Integration: Automate Your Interactions

If you have a lot of contacts reaching out to tướng your business on Telegram, Workflows can be used to tướng automate repetitive tasks. Beyond the usual greeting or away messages, automatically route your contacts to tướng the right team and assign them an available Agent.

Are Contacts looking to tướng chat with customer tư vấn or sales? Send them to tướng the right department before your Agents are involved. This way, your Contacts are immediately connected to tướng someone who can address their needs.

Qualifying contacts using respond.io Workflows and API integrations

Respond.io supports API integrations with other apps and platforms to tướng allow information exchange between them, expanding its sales and tư vấn capabilities. For example, you can carry out the following:

  • Qualify contacts with data enrichment tools such as Clearbit
  • Calculate the price quotations for a custom plan during client consultations
  • Generate sales đơn hàng in a CRM such as Hubspot or Salesforce
  • Set up a customer escalation process
  • Measure CSAT scores using Workflows

By utilizing integrations, you reduce the number of errors introduced when reentering data. You also improve the efficiency of your Agents since they don’t need to tướng leave the platform to tướng use another tool.

Reports: Monitor Agent Performance

It’s one thing to tướng have all the tools at your disposal but are they being used effectively? Respond.io’s Reports Module provides you with insights into how well your Agents are communicating with your Contacts.

Monitor Agent performance on respond.io

Lastly, using the Reports Module, evaluate the efficiency of your Agents by tracking their first response time, resolution time and more. With these metrics, you can analyze and improve both individual and team performance.

You also have the option to tướng observe your agents’ conversations and step in at any time if needed. Don’t leave your customers waiting for a reply!

To sum up, now that you know the benefits of Telegram links and connecting your Telegram trương mục to tướng respond.io, it’s time to tướng take your conversations to tướng the next level. Don’t have a respond.io trương mục yet? Sign up for a không tính tiền trial.

Further reading

To conclude, if this first-hand guide was helpful, here are additional articles on Telegram you might find of use to tướng you and your business: